The Kings: 3 Years in Peacehaven


It was exactly 3 years ago today that we boarded a plane in Hungary and flew to England for the beginning of a new chapter in our lives. The picture featured for this article is just before the cab to the airport arrived as we said goodbye to our dear friends. After 18 amazing years living in Budapest, and with everything we owned packed in the bags we carried, a new adventure was about to begin for us, down on the south coast in Peacehaven. While we often reflect on those wonderful years in Budapest, we wouldn’t want to be anywhere else than back here in the UK. It is the place God has brought us to and we believe that great things are ahead.

These few years have been such special years for our family and we are so settled and all feel fully at home. Our kids have grown up so much and are now well in touch with their English roots! Just imagine this move for our children. They were all born in Hungary and went to an International American school.  Their mother is Mother and their father is English, those they had never lived in either of those countries. All of their friends were from all over the globe at a very warm, Christian private school that had an amazing family feel. Then we find ourselves selling up, packing up, and moving on. Everything they have ever known being left behind. Quite something. Then being dropped in a public school and making new friends and trying to fit in etc. Oh how well they all have done. So proud of each one of them. They have all grown up so much these past 36 months. Ryan is bigger than me at 16 and still growing! He starts college in Sept. Emily has blossomed into this beautiful, smart, creative young lady with the world at her feet. Alison is still daddy’s little girl of course but starts high school in September. Wow. Marina was working in Brighton, but now working from home since the lockdown. With the kids all doing school from home, we have had such a special season as a family. We all love Peacehaven and all that God has blessed us with here.

The Peacehaven church family has been such an encouragement and received us so well. I remember praying, as we were preparing to return, “Oh Lord, there must be a church there that would just love to have a pastor ready to teach the word and encourage the saints and have a ministry in the community & beyond?”. God heard that prayer and opened the door to PEFC. I determined in my heart to do all I could to ensure the pulpit would be healthy with grace-based, expositional teaching & preaching. I would not plan on changing things or addressing anything unless essential. Just minister the word, love people, and pray. That is what we have done and we have seen the health that has come from that. The church has been so built up in truth and grace and enjoyed growing in understanding and faith. And it has been a joy to see God, slowly but surely, drawing and adding people to our church family. As a church, we have sensed God is doing something and we are so thankful for what He has done.

Honestly? It seems that every day I am pinching myself saying “I can’t believe I get to do this!”

Love & Thanks to all, from the King Family in Peacehaven!



  1. Reply
    Shirley Hirst says:

    Thank you Pastor, it’s so good to hear of the way in which we Lord brought you and your dear lovely family here to Peacehaven, we can’t thank Him enough for this blessing, and trust that in the days to come, we shall grow on together by God’ grace from strength to strength, encouraging one another and reaching out those those in such need around us.
    What an encouragement also, to know that such precious faithful ministry not only benefits us here, but goes out on the internet to minister to and bless countless others.

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