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Seahaven Radio: India Mission Interview
Posted on March 8, 2020 | Pastor: Graham KingLatest Live Radio Recording from Seahaven Radio featuring an Interview regarding the PEFC India Mission in Odisha, India with Graham King.
When The Spirit of Truth Has Come
Posted on March 8, 2020 | Pastor: Graham KingJohn 16:1-14. How can Christians find help, comfort, and guidance in troubles and persecution? Jesus encourages the 11 disciples that although they shall all be persecuted, hated and even killed, the Holy Spirit of truth shall be with them and He will guide, strengthen and help them when that time comes.
False Teachers Who Cause Divisions
Posted on March 5, 2020 | Pastor: Graham KingJude 1:12-19. What does an apostate look like? How can you discern a false teacher or a wolf in sheep’s clothing? Jude uses descriptive metaphors to help describe the ungodly, self-serving men that caused divisions in his time. We also must be discerning in our day, in our churches and in our lives, for wolves […]
The World is Not Enough
Posted on March 1, 2020 | Pastor: Graham KingEcc 1:1-14. What is the meaning of life? What is man’s purpose? What can really quench that inner thirst? These questions lead us through the book of Ecclesiastes, as Solomon poses these deep considerations for every man. Though man may search in many different ways and places, he finds that the world is simply not […]
Unveiling False Teachers
Posted on February 25, 2020 | Pastor: Graham KingJude 1:5-11. The false teachers of Jude’s day had fallen in the “Way of Cain, the Error of Balaam and the Rebellion of Korah”. Understanding these metaphors helps us discern false teachers and perversions of the gospel.