Latest Sermons
Seeing Him Who is Invisible
Posted on June 3, 2020 | Pastor: Graham KingHeb 11:26-28. Moses is an example of a man who lived by faith. He faced Pharah and eventually brought God’s people out of Egypt and endured by seeing Him who was invisible. What does that mean for us? How can we endure? How can we see the invisible God?
The Fulfilment of Pentecost
Posted on May 31, 2020 | Pastor: Graham KingActs 2:1-10. Lev 23:15-20. It’s remarkable to consider that the Jewish Feasts provide a prophetic key or timeline to The Works of Christ. The Spring Feasts foreshadowed His 1st Coming and The Autumn feasts His 2nd. In this study, we explore the fulfillment of The Feast of Pentecost with the coming of The Holy Spirit […]
Refusing and Choosing by Faith
Posted on May 27, 2020 | Pastor: Graham KingHeb 11:24-25. Exodus 1 & 2. The author of Hebrews tells us that Moses was refusing one thing and choosing another. How can we live by faith and yet refuse certain things in this world and choose others? Faith will certainly be made evident in the convictions we have and the choices we make in […]
The Fearless Faith of Moses’ Parents
Posted on May 24, 2020 | Pastor: Graham KingHeb 11:23. Exod 1-2: In the face of evil, these Hebrew parents risked all to save their little baby boy in Egypt. Through their act of faith, a whole nation was later delivered by the hand of their son Moses. Let us live by faith, not fearing our enemy, but trusting in our God.
The Testimony of Joseph’s Bones
Posted on May 20, 2020 | Pastor: Graham KingHeb 11:22.Joseph made an incredible request by faith on his death bed. He asked that when God’s people were delivered at the exodus that his bones would be taken and buried in the Promised Land. He truly believed it would all happen as God had said. For the generations ahead, through all the years of […]