Latest Sermons
The King’s Ransom
Posted on October 25, 2020 | Pastor: Brian MeliaJesus came ‘to give His life a ransom for many’ (Matthew 20:28). Those who believe in the Lord Jesus are redeemed by His ‘precious blood’ (1 Peter 1:18-19). Why could only Jesus pay the ransom price to release us from the deadly results of our sin? How did He achieve this and what does it […]
The Prayer of Jabez
Posted on October 21, 2020 | Pastor: Graham King1 Chron 4:9-10. Jabez was a man who had pain associated with his name. There was something that had happened in his past that he had no control over. This threatened to affect his whole life, yet we read that Jabez turned out to be an honourable man and rose above that name, his past, […]
The Blessed Man & His Song of Praise
Posted on October 18, 2020 | Pastor: Graham KingPs 63:1-5 & Other Scriptures. Why do churches fade and die? Why did some believers grow cold and lose their passion? What must be at the root of true praise? How does a Christian find the flow, the song, the oil, the wonder onoce again? In what ways must a believer guard their heart?
Appointing Elders (Induction Service)
Posted on October 11, 2020Tit 1:5, Acts 20:28 & Various Scriptures. In the New testament we see that leaders are to be appointed to lead churches. These leadera are called Elders, Overseers & Pastors, different titles for the same office. But how many should there be? Is there a chief elder? What is their purpose? What qualifications might they […]
Principles of Servant Leadership
Posted on October 7, 2020 | Pastor: Graham KingMark 10:42-45. The use of authority, given to a church leader is for the purpose of serving, encouraging, building. Sadly it is often used to manipulate, dominate, and hurt people. How far removed this is from the Biblical model of a servant-leader! Here we explore some principles regarding a Biblically-based model for eldership and church […]