Latest Sermons
The Parable of The Good Samaritan Explained
Posted on April 25, 2021 | Pastor: Graham KingLuke 10:25-37. “The Good Samaritan”, perhaps the most misunderstood parable of all, teaches us that our love is deficient, we cannot keep the law, and we can only be saved by grace. Then, once we have His spirit, we can love as we are supposed to. It’s not that we should be good to be […]
From Slaves to Sons
Posted on April 21, 2021 | Pastor: Graham KingGal 4:1-7. If we would be given the privileges and rights of full adult sonship through adoption, why would we ever return to live as slaves under a religious system? But that is what the Galatians were doing and, as believers, we must be careful to always live as sons and not as slaves.
God Receives Sinners with Joy
Posted on April 18, 2021 | Pastor: Graham KingLuke 15:1-31. Jesus tells this 3-fold parable of the lost sheep, coin & son (Luke 15) to demonstrate that God does, indeed, receive sinners. But not only does He receive them, but He actively seeks them and when He finds them he rejoices over them. The powerful story of the returning prodigal son and the […]
Jesus & The Passover Seder
Posted on April 2, 2021 | Pastor: Graham KingEx 6:6-7. The Passover (Seder) Meal involved various parts & elements used to remember deliverance from Egypt. Jesus took the broken matzoh (Afikomen) and the 3rd cup of that night (cup of redemption) and said “do this in remembrance of me”. During Passover and every communion, we remember our salvation through Christ, the true Passover […]
Behold, The Messiah King is Here
Posted on March 28, 2021 | Pastor: Graham KingZechariah 9:9. What is the significance of Palm Sunday? Why did Jesus enter Jerusalem riding in a donkey? Why did the crowd say what they did? Harmonizing the gospel accounts and considering Prophecy, we find the answers to these questions and gain amazing insights into this all-important event.