Latest Sermons
Noah’s Flood, Mercy & Judgement
Posted on January 29, 2023 | Pastor: Brian MeliaGenesis 5-9. The genealogy of Genesis 5 gives remarkable insight into both God’s mercy and the timing of the impending cataclysmic flood which was global and not merely a local flood. We see in the account of the flood and the Lord’s rescue of the family of the righteous Noah, so many parallels to the […]
I Must be about My Father’s Business
Posted on January 22, 2023 | Pastor: Graham KingLuke 2:39-52. As a child, did Jesus need to learn, study, gain knowledge, grow in wisdom? Or because He had a divine nature, did he just know everything already? Luke records for us the only event from Christ’s childhood in the scriptures, which helps us consider these deep questions and what He meant when he […]
The Holy Spirit & Remnant Believer
Posted on January 15, 2023 | Pastor: Graham KingLuke 2:21-39. What does it mean to be “led by the Spirit” or “walk in the Spirit”? What is it that sets apart a “remnant believer” from any other Christian? What does it mean to be earnestly waiting for His coming? As we consider these 2 special characters at the end of Luke 2, Simeon […]
Don’t be Anxious, but Seek God First
Posted on January 8, 2023 | Pastor: Graham KingMatthew 6:25-34. Haggai 1:2-11. As believers, we are learning how to shake off anxiety and rest in faith. We are promised that, if we seek Him first, He will provide and meet our basic needs in life. But what does it mean to seek him? And how can I overcome worry in my life? Let […]
Walking by Sight & Not by Faith
Posted on January 1, 2023 | Pastor: Graham KingPs 78:40-41. 2 Cor 5:7. God often sets the stage in our lives to challenge and develop our faith. He may ask us certain questions and is always looking for the answer according to faith. May this new year be one of growing in faith and answering life’s situations by faith!