Latest Sermons
Onesimus The Runaway Slave
Posted on September 10, 2017 | Pastor: Graham KingPhilemon 1:1-25. The short letter from Paul to Philemon addresses the situation of a runaway slave who had since become a Christian and now returns to his master, seeking forgivness, to now be receieved as a brother. How will Philemon respond? How does this story parallel our own story of redemption?
The Acsension and the Commissioned Disciples
Posted on September 6, 2017 | Pastor: Graham KingActs 1:1-26. After introducing the book of Acts, this class looks at chap 1, with the question of the Kingdom, The Ascension of Christ, The Commission into all the world and the disciples waiting in Jerusalem for the promised comforter.
My Grace is Sufficient
Posted on September 3, 2017 | Pastor: Graham King2 Corinthians 12:7-10. Although it is not clear waht Paul’s “thorn in the flesh” was, we know it’s purpose was to produce humilty in his life. When Paul requested for the thorn to be removed, God answered with the timeless words “My Grace is Sufficient”. In this sermon we explore the sufficiency of his grace […]
The Throne of Grace
Posted on August 27, 2017 | Pastor: Graham KingHebrews 4:14-16. The understanding of God’s throne of grace is so critical for each believer. Our natural tendency is to withdraw when we fail or to come with great reservations, yet we are told to come boldly to the throne. Each time we do we will only obtain mercy and also find grace in that […]
The Lost Son
Posted on August 20, 2017 | Pastor: Graham KingLuke 15:11-32. In this timeless parable on the lost son, Jesus answers the accusation in the heart of the pharisees that he receieves sinners. His answer is essentially the gospel, portrayed with a loving, gracious father, who runs, who restoresm who forgives.