Latest Sermons
The Second Coming
Posted on June 3, 2018 | Pastor: Graham KingRevelation 1:7-8 (Slideshow Download Available) The return of our Lord is a crucial focal point of the scriptures and an important study for each Christian to understand. What great hope and longing rests in the believers heart, awaiting the rapture and the inevitable second advent. The Spirt and the Bride say come.
That I Might Know Him
Posted on May 27, 2018 | Pastor: Graham KingPhilippians 3:7-10 The Apostle Paul counts everything loss that he might know Christ. He recognises the surpassing value of knowing Jesus more personally. What a beautiful desire and prayer for each of us, “Oh that I might know Him..”
Running the Race by Faith
Posted on May 20, 2018 | Pastor: Graham KingHebrews 12:1-4 The Christian life is likened to a race set before us. It’s not a sprint but a marathon that must be run with patience. And we must look to Jesus, the auther and finisher of our faith, until the finish line.
I Am With You Says The Lord
Posted on May 13, 2018 | Pastor: Graham KingHaggai 2:1-23 The Foundatioon had been laid, but the building of the Temple had stopped because of opposition (Ezra 4:24). It laid abandoned until Haggai & Zechariah the prophets began to preach and then it began again and was finally completed (Ezra 5:1). This shows us the need and effect of preaching in our own […]
It’s Time to Build
Posted on May 6, 2018 | Pastor: Graham KingHaggai 1:1-15 The returned remnant, after laying the foundation of the temple, had lost sight of their purpose and priorities in returning to Jerusalem. Throught the prophet Haggai they were told to consider their ways and priorities and that it was time to build. Through his stirring words and preaching the people returned to the […]