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The Empty Tomb

John 20:1-20. The composite view of the resurrection story is not so easy to piece together. It takes some careful comparison of the gospels to lay down the timeline for that special Sunday morning. In this study of the most important day in history, we piece together the events that Resurrection morning.

The Death, Burial & Secret Disciples

John 19:31-42. John records 2 remarkable events between the death and burial of Christ that fulfill specific prophecies. Then a rich member of The Sanhedrin, Joseph of Arimathea, along with Nicodemus, obtain Jesus’ body and lay it in a garden tomb. Even they were fulfilling prophecy from Isaiah 53. How amazing it is to see […]

Daniel’s Prayer of Intercession

Dan 9:16-23. When reading Jeremiah’s prophecies, Daniel realises that the 70 year Babylonian captivity is almost over and restoration to the land was promised. This moves him to prayer, to confession and to intercession. IN this passage, based on God’s coevent and mercy, Daniel intercedes for Israel asking for God to bring that promised restoration […]

Crucified For Us

John 19:16-30. When Christ faced his final hour, it was with full awareness of what was ahead of him. He predicted his betrayal, the scourging and the crucifixion in detail. And yet, he went through the suffering and humiliation so he could cry out “It is finished” and to make a new and living way […]