Idols Fall in God’s Presence

1 Sam 5:1-12. The key to overcoming idolatry and the flesh is through the presence of God. If our “temple” is filled with his presence as Spirit-filled believers, then the idols fall and we can grow in experiencing an overcoming life. Do not focus on the idols, but look to ensure that the Ark is […]

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Which Field are You Sowing In?

Gal 6:6-10. Some people wonder why they don’t seem to get the victory and struggle with lust or sin. Why Can’t they seem to enjoy their spiritual life? Often it is because they are sowing in the wrong field. Sow to the flesh and reap corruption, sow to the spirit and reap life! Now is […]

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Passing through The Red Sea by Faith

Heb 11:29. Exodus 14:1-31. Sometimes God may allow or even orchestrate circumstances in our lives where we feel trapped with no obvious way out. This is exactly what God did with Israel as they camped by The Red Sea. Trapped on every side, they could only trust God that He might deliver them and deliver […]

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What a Man Sows He Shall Reap

Gal 6:7-10. Many may wonder why they struggle with getting victory in their spiritual lives. The principle of sowing and reaping offers a clear answer to us all. If you sow the flesh, you reap of the flesh. We are exhorted as believers to sow to the spirit and then we will surely harvest of […]

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