Empty Nets & A Lesson for Life

John 21:1-14. These were experienced fishermen. If there was one area of expertise these men had, it was how to fish in Galilee and yet, after fishing all night, they came back with empty nets. Have you ever come back with empty nets? Went out with confidence, experience, expectation, and yet come back empty? Perhaps […]

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Christ before Pilate (Part 2)

John 9:1-16. In these astounding verses, we see the Lord standing on trial before The Roman Governor, whose hand is being forced to deliver Christ to the Cross. What was going through the mind of Pilate as he asks Christ 7 questions during this incredible interrogation? Why were the Jewish leaders so set to see […]

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The Source of Joy

Phil 1:1-11. Joy is a theme that runs through Philippians, often called “the letter of Joy”. Paul writes this letter from prison in Rome, demonstrating that Joy was not something determined by ones circumstances, but sourced in an inner life through Christ. As Christians, even when everything seems to be falling apart, we can be […]

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Christ Before Pilate (Part 1)

John 18:28-40. After appearing before Annas, Caiaphas and The Sanhedrin, it is clear that the jewish leaders want christ to be put to death once and for all. The death sentence not being in their power, they take jesus to the Roman govenor to see that sentence carried out. In this amazing passage of scripture […]

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Christ’s Trials & Peter’s Denial

John 18:13-28. After being arrested and bound, Jesus is led back over the Kidron Valley to the house of The High priest. John switches back and forth between Christ standing before his accusers and Peter outside denying the Lord. We find our own hearts searched in this passage as we consider the limits of our […]

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Overcoming by Faith

Heb 11:32-40. In this chapter, we are introduced to those who lived by faith but also those who died by faith. The author turns our focus, not only on those who seemed successful but those who suffered persecution were defeated and even died for their faith. This helps us realize, contrary to what the prosperity […]

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Heb 11:22. All through Joseph’s trials and troubles, he was able to continue by faith, believing that The Lord was with him, sensing God’s s blessing and trusting he had a plan. In the end he was free to forgive his brothers and move on into blessings by faith. May we also be able to […]

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Yet I Will Rejoice

Hab 3:17-19. Why does God not seem to hear us? Why does He allow Suffering? Why do some good people suffer and some wicked people prosper? These were some of the questions in the heart of Habakkuk the prophet as he struggled to make sense of it all. Then God answers and brings Habakkuk from […]

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Courage in Time of Crisis

1 Sam 30:1-19. What do we do in a time of crisis? With so much uncertainty, potential loss and troubles all around us, what should our response be as Christians? When David and his men found themselves in a major crisis they were crushed, distressed and weeping, but what David did next changed everything as […]

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Grace that is Added

2 Cor 12:7-10. Just like Paul, we may often pray that our trouble or suffering would be taken away. We think that would be best for us. But God’s answer to Paul was not to take something away, but to add something. He told Paul that added grace was sufficient for him. Paul learned to […]

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