Hannah’s Prayer & Samuel’s Birth

1 Sam 1:1-20. During the dark days of The Judges, Hannah prayed for a son. God had shut up her whom, to work in her life, to bring her to a place of prayer, brokenness and faith. The answer to her prayer was to be an answer for the nation. Her son was to be […]

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Jesus Before Pilate

Luke 23:1-25. In the final hours before the cross, we see our Lord standing judged before Pilate and his accusers. He was the lamb, innocent and silent to the slaughter. No man took his life from him, but He freely laid it down for us all. 

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Peter’s Denial & Restoration

Luke 22:54-62. After being broken through personal failure and then graciously restored by grace, Peter is able to strengthen the brethren, stir up the saints and feed the sheep. God never condones failure, but He certainly uses it in our lives to grow and mature. 

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The Parable of The Sower

Luke 8:4-15. The soil of the heart is so crucial as we hear God’s Word. Many are robbed of the Word’s potential due to the devil, the world’s seduction, life’s trials and the flesh, but may we have hearts that are open, teachable, meek, humble and believing and see fruit a 100-fold! 

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The Pilgrims Longing for the Presence of The Lord

Psalm 84:1-11. In this “Psalm of Zion”, the pilgrim expresses his longing for the house of God and God’s very presence. He declares how blessed the pilgrim is, who finds his strength in God and places his trust in His God alone. What a joy to find our home in the house of God, the […]

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God Reduces Our Army

Judges 6-7. God wants to bring us to a place of blessing, fruitfulness and victory, but the journey is often one that we would not choose. It sometimes involves a deep, even painful, work in our lives and hearts. The work of God involves God producing or revealing our weakness and need for Him, “reducing […]

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Established, Encouraged & Standing Fast

1 Thes 3:1-13. Are you standing fast in The Lord? That is the question at the heart of this passage. Paul was concerned, that as the Thessalonians had faced trouble and persecution, that they may have fallen away. He was deeply concerned for them, just as we should be for our brothers. Where are they? […]

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Lead Me to The Rock that is Higher than I

Ps 62:1-8. Do you ever feel overwhelmed by the situations that life brings? Or feel a bit lost or discouraged? In this treasured psalm, David was feeling extremely weighed down and overwhelmed and looks to His God. Consider this model prayer on how to find The Lord in such difficult times. 

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God’s Deep Work in The Wilderness

Ps 84:2-7, Jer 31:2, Hosea 13:5 & Various Scriptures. Ever feel like you are going through a wilderness experience? Is God still working in those times? Is there something to find in the valley that I might not find anywhere else? This devotional time in the Word explores the idea of how God deeply works […]

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How God uses Trouble & Affliction in Our Lives

In Psalm 119 the Psalmist uses the word “affliction” 7 times. When we consider these verses together we can see a maturing process and a growing understanding in the believer’s heart of how God uses affliction in our lives. We are sheep that are prone to wander and go our own way, but he can […]

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