Prophecies on Jerusalem & the End Days

Luke 21:1-24. When is the end of the age? When is the Anti-Christ coming? When is the Lord’s return? In the “Olivette Discourse” Jesus answers several questions relating to the destruction of Jerusalem (AD 70) and also makes further predictions relating to the Anti-Christ and the end of the age. What is the abomination of […]

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Luke 19:45-20:19. Why did Jesus drive out those buying and selling in the temple and how did he respond to the religious leaders who challenged his authority? How do these events relate to us today? What does the parable of the wicked vinedressers teach us concerning the nation of Israel and and how does it […]

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Luke 19:28-41. What was the significance of the ‘triumphal entry’? This extraordinary event was full of prophetic fulfilment, such as Jesus riding the colt, the foal of a donkey. Yet, the huge crowd following Jesus at this event had seriously misunderstood Jesus’ mission and the people of Jerusalem had not recognised ‘the day of their […]

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The Pilgrims Longing for the Presence of The Lord

Psalm 84:1-11. In this “Psalm of Zion”, the pilgrim expresses his longing for the house of God and God’s very presence. He declares how blessed the pilgrim is, who finds his strength in God and places his trust in His God alone. What a joy to find our home in the house of God, the […]

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The Anti-Christ Forshadowed

Dan 11:21-34. After the incredible predictions of the Kings of the North (Syria) and South (Egypt) and some of the events between these Seleucid and Ptolemaic kingdoms, Daniel now focuses on the infamous Seleucid King, Antiochus IV Epiphanes. Thie “vile king that shall rise” has more focus in the scripture than the others due to […]

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The Torn Curtain

Matt 27:45-54. This passage, and other related Scriptures, cover a number of areas of stunning eternal importance achieved by the finished work of Jesus on the cross. This includes the immense significance of the torn curtain at the entrance to the Holy of Holies and also how the barrier at the boundary of the Court […]

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Faith in The Lion’s Den

Daniel 6:1-28. Daniel stayed true to his convictions & faith from his youth right to the end. He walked faithfully with his God. His life, along with his deliverance from the Lion’s Den, is a powerful testament to the fact that God honours those who honour Him. Daniel was delivered because, once again, he trusted […]

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Walking, Leaping and Praising God

Acts 3:1-26. The lame man went from begging at the gate to praising and leaping at in the temple! What a transformation by God’s power. This undeniable miracle set the stage for Peter to preach his 2nd incredible Christ-centred message, seeing 1000s come to faith.

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Paul’s Powerful Testimony to The Jews

Acts 22:1-30. Now in Jerusalem, Paul is accused and dragged out of the temple by the Jews. The Roman Commander comes to his rescue and allows Paul, from of the top of the temple stairs, to addess the angry crowd in Hebrew. This chapter covers Paul’s masterful and powerful defense of the gopel and his […]

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The Book of Ezra (Survey)

Ezra (Slideshow Download Available) This Book covers the 1st return from Captivity under Zerubbabel (1-6) and the 2nd return under Ezra (7-10). The returned remnant were able to rebuild the temple in the face of great opposition, serving as a great model for us in the church age as Christ builds His church today.

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