Hannah’s Prayer & Samuel’s Birth

1 Sam 1:1-20. During the dark days of The Judges, Hannah prayed for a son. God had shut up her whom, to work in her life, to bring her to a place of prayer, brokenness and faith. The answer to her prayer was to be an answer for the nation. Her son was to be […]

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Christ in The Day of Atonement

Lev 16:1-30. Could it be that this OT Jewish feast would give profound insights into the finished work of Christ? See how the author of the book of Hebrews opens up the seemingly irrelevant book of Leviticus to reveal Christ to us. Wow. The gospel is amazing! 

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The Day of Atonement

Leviticus 16. On the most high, holy day on the Jewish calendar, The Day of Atonement was a day for the annual, national foregiveness of the nationa of Israel. The High Priest would enter in to the holiest place in the temple by mean of a blood sacrifice. But what is the significance of this […]

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A Finished Work Sacrifice

Hebrews 9:24-26, 10:1-4 The Old Testament earthly Tabernacle and sacrificial system serve as a clear model or  figure of the heavenly reality and our means of access to God through the means of sacrifice.

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