Mary’s Song of Praise

Luke 1:39-55. The “Magnificat” records Mary’s response of faith as she magnifies The Lord. In her song there are astounding statements referring to God’s faithfulness, covenants, and promises. Just like Mary, may we also sing of “the great things God had done” for us and magnify Him each day. 

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The Pilgrims Longing for the Presence of The Lord

Psalm 84:1-11. In this “Psalm of Zion”, the pilgrim expresses his longing for the house of God and God’s very presence. He declares how blessed the pilgrim is, who finds his strength in God and places his trust in His God alone. What a joy to find our home in the house of God, the […]

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The Blessed Man & His Song of Praise

Ps 63:1-5 & Other Scriptures. Why do churches fade and die? Why did some believers grow cold and lose their passion? What must be at the root of true praise? How does a Christian find the flow, the song, the oil, the wonder onoce again? In what ways must a believer guard their heart? 

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