Which Field are You Sowing In?

Gal 6:6-10. Some people wonder why they don’t seem to get the victory and struggle with lust or sin. Why Can’t they seem to enjoy their spiritual life? Often it is because they are sowing in the wrong field. Sow to the flesh and reap corruption, sow to the spirit and reap life! Now is […]

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Take Heed & Guard Your Heart

Deut 4:9-35. Can our hearts grow weary? Can we become dull and familiar as believers? Is idolatry something we find in our land? or even in our own hearts? Allow this study to revive your hearts and provide principles of how to take heed and guard your hearts.

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How God uses Trouble & Affliction in Our Lives

In Psalm 119 the Psalmist uses the word “affliction” 7 times. When we consider these verses together we can see a maturing process and a growing understanding in the believer’s heart of how God uses affliction in our lives. We are sheep that are prone to wander and go our own way, but he can […]

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Contending for The Faith (Jude Class)

Jude 1:1-4. Introducing the book of Jude, we explore the running theme of Contending for the Faith and what that means for us in our personal lives and as stewards of the gospel of grace today. Are you in the battle? How are you doing?

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Face to Face with Grace

Luke 5:1-14. Peter, The Fisherman, has a special encounter with Jesus at Galilee and responds to the call. His first reaction, when realising he is a sinner in the presence of The Holy One, is to say “depart from me”. This is perhaps a natural reaction to such an encounter, but as we grow in […]

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Exodus 27:1-8 (Slideshow Download Avaiable) As you enter the outer court through the gate, you are confronted with the first piece of sacred furniture, the altar of sacrifice. Foreshadowing the cross, where the lamb of God was to be offfered, the message is clear. There is no other way for a sinner to come to […]

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To Die in Your Sins

John 8:21-32 In this confrontation between jesus and The Pharisees, Jesus uses harsh words in the face of their unbelief, saying that as they reject him they would then die in their sins.  There are only two ways to die, either in your sins or in The Lord.  Blessed are they who die in The […]

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Neither Do I Condemn You

John 8:1-11 – Even though this woman, caught in sin and adultery, stood accused by the religious leaders, Jesus did not condemn her. This incredible encounter powerfully demonstrates the grace extended to every sinner, to each of us. Its through this message and grace we are not ony forgiven for sin, but set free from […]

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2 Kings (Survey Class)

2 Kings 1-25 (Slideshow Download Available) This amazing book continues following the history of Israel and Judah, tracing the decline and captivity of both. We see the inevitable consequences of sin and rebellion against God despite the words and warnings of the prophets. Our hearts are deeply instructed as we see that the success or […]

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1 Kings Part 1 (Survey Class)

1 Kings 1-11 (Slideshow Download Available) These chapters trace the history of Solomon during the United Kingdom through to where the Kingdom divides under  his Son Rehoboam. We may well give these chapters the somber title “How to lose a Kingdom”

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