Signs to be Fulfilled Before Christ Returns

Matt 24. There are signs that must be fulfilled before the second coming of Jesus. Have any being fulfilled already? Which ones are still to come? Using  the teaching of Jesus in Matthew 24 and other Scriptures, we seek to answer these key questions.

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The Feeding of The 5000

Luke 9:1-17. Sandwiched between Herod’s question of “Who is this?” and Jesus’ question “Who Do You Say I am?” Is the astounding miracle of multiplying the loaves and fish. Each one must consider this miracle, among many, and then answer this all-important question! 

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The Identity of Jesus

Luke 8:22-56. Luke records some astounding miracles to show that Jesus had ultimate power and authority over nature, demons, sickness and even death itself. These miracles lead us to the question “Who do you say that I am?” (9:20). Thankfully, like Peter, we know the answer, that He is the Messiah, The Saviour and The […]

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Not Seeing, Yet Believing

John 20:20-31. Thomas was not present at that first meeting when Jesus appeared to the group. He stubbornly told the others he would not believe unless he saw and touched from himself. The following Sunday his stubborn unbelief would be turned into living faith when he saw the risen Christ and said “my Lord, My […]

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Walking, Leaping and Praising God

Acts 3:1-26. The lame man went from begging at the gate to praising and leaping at in the temple! What a transformation by God’s power. This undeniable miracle set the stage for Peter to preach his 2nd incredible Christ-centred message, seeing 1000s come to faith.

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