Luke 2:7-20. An angelic Messenger sent from heaven to Earth with the greatest news that lost men could ever hear. To you a Saviour is born! This is why He came, to bring salvation to all who would call on him.
Luke 2:7-20. An angelic Messenger sent from heaven to Earth with the greatest news that lost men could ever hear. To you a Saviour is born! This is why He came, to bring salvation to all who would call on him.
Luke 2:1-7. A Christmas day Sermon from Luke, considering the birth of Christ. There was no room at the Inn, but may there be room in our hearts for The Saviour.
Luke 2:8-15 Imagine the wonder in the hearts of the shepherds as they heard the announcement of Christ’s birth and had the curtain pulled back to reveal a heavenly host of angels singing Glory to God in the highest! Then consider the angels perspective as they knew the 2nd member of the trinity was now […]