
Profound Prophecies on The Birth of Christ

The prophets of old laid out incredible, detailed predictions regarding the birth of the Saviour, the messiah, Jesus the King. However, what is also made clear through these scriptures is that the man Jesus was in fact, God Himself in the flesh.

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There they Crucified Him

Luke 23:26-49. As we follow the sorrowful road to Calvary, where Jesus suffering on the cross, we behold the lamb that takes away the sins of the world. We consider multiple prophecies from Psalm 22 and Isaiah 53 as He fulfills all that was written concerning Him. 

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What Child is This?

Luke 2:8-20. One of the carols puts forth the all-important question “What Child is This?”. So many know the events of the Christmas story, without knowing the actual meaning. Who was born that day? Why did He need to come? And what does it mean for you or me? May God answer these questions afresh […]

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Emmanuel God with Us

Matt 1:18-22. At birth He was wrapped in linen and laid in a manger and at his death He was wrapped in linen and laid in the tomb. As Christians we understand how the manger and the cross are connected, for He became flesh and dwelt among us, partaking of flesh and blood, so he […]

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Oh Little Town of Bethlehem

Luke 2:1-7. The simple manger scene maybe shrouded with a certain mystery for the unenlightened, but for true Christians, the secret of the gospel is clear to us all. Now, the age old Christmas carols are filled with richest meaning and value, as we thank and worship The King, The Saviour, The Lord! 

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Unto You a Saviour is Born

Luke 2:8-20. The angel came to announce “good news of great joy to all people”. And what was that good news? “Unto you is born a saviour, Christ the Lord”. Oh this is the good news, the greatest news we could ever hear and believe. The shepherds believed it and came quickly to see the […]

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Seek Him & You Shall Find Him

Matt 2:1-11. In this short Christmas message, we consider the story of the magi from the east. What a wonderful example of seeking faith they provide for us. They were able to experience the promise that God is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him.

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