The Jerusalem Council

Acts 15:1-41. At this crucial point of the gospel going forth to the Gentiles, the all-important question must be answered. What is the gospel? What does a Gentile, or a jew for that matter, really need to do to be saved?

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You Must Be Born Again

John 3:1-21.  In this famous encounter between Nicodemus and Jesus, we hear the gospel presented so clearly. Several times in the opening verses it speaks of being born again, then through the chapter it speaks of believing and then we have the crowning verse in 3:16, Whoever believes..

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The Conversion of Saul

Acts 9:1-43. As persecution of the church increases and God sets the stage for the gospel to go out to the uttermost parts, we are introduced to His chosen vessel in this classic account of Saul of Tarsus’ conversion. Saul, one persecutor of the church, now becomes Paul, The apostle to the Gentiles.

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Man’s Question, God’s Answer

Daniel 2. In this gospel sermon, the back ground story of Nebuchadnzzars’ dream and Daniels subsequent interpretation is used to as an illustartion of the essential quest of lost men and God’s answer in through the glorious gospel.

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The Jewish Harvest Festival

Leviticus 23:33-44, John 7:14-39. For this Harvest Festival Service we explore The Jewish Harvest Festival or “The Feast of Tabernacles” (Sukkpot). It was at this Feast that Jesus gave his famous invitation to all those who thirst. But how does that fit into the feast?

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The Macedonian Vision

Acts 16:8-10, 1 Samuel 14:6-8, Nehemiah 2:12-18. In response to Paul’s missionary vision on their 2nd missions trip the team took it that God had called them all to go, to preach the gospel and went to Macedonia. It is a blessing for all of us to be in a vision, behind a visionary, going […]

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