Merciful God

Gen 3:20 Considering the immeasurable Mercy of God (Hesed) as expressed to the sinner as to Adam and Eve by sacrifice. To discover and experience God’s Mercy is so powerful in a Christian’s life and walk before his God. (Various Scriptures)

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Leviticus (Survey Class)

Leviticus (Slideshow Download Available) After the tabernacle was instituted Leviticus was given as a handbook for the priesthood, giving clear guidelines on the sacrifices, priesthood and feasts, all of which beautifully foreshadow Christ and his own sacrifice for us.

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Exodus Part 2 (Survey Class)

Exodus 25-40 (Slideshow Download Available) In these rich chapters we explore The Tabernalce, Israel’s portable temple that traveled with them through the wilderness. It is a clear shadow of the cross, pointing to Christ, in that a sinners only way to God is by way of subsitutionary sacrifice.

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