The Parable of The Minas

Luke 19:11-27. The disciples thought that when they reached Jerusalem, that the earthly Messianic Kingdom would appear. Jesus told this parable to correct this misconception and teach them that the Kingdom is yet to come, but now postponed. He also answers the question of what Christians should be doing during this time on earth and […]

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Covetousness vs Contentment

Luke 12:12-34. In this heart searching passage, Jesus warns against covetousness, the insatiable desire and greed that always wants more. He tells the parable about the foolish farmer who has not consider eternity and only stored up treasure on the earth. Jesus clarifies that life is not about storing up treasures on earth, but also […]

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A Testimony of Intergrity

Nehemiah 5:14-21. In contrast to the nobles in Jerusalem, and also governors of the past, Nehemiah could say that he had operated in integrity towards God and towards God’s People. What valuable lessons and principles we discover in this passage. If we honour God, He will honour us.

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