The Jewish feasts are prophetic in nature and look to the person and the work of Christ. So, how is The Feast of Trumpets (Rosh Hashanah or Yom Teruah) fulfilled? When will that trumpet sound? And where are we on the end times timeline?
The Jewish feasts are prophetic in nature and look to the person and the work of Christ. So, how is The Feast of Trumpets (Rosh Hashanah or Yom Teruah) fulfilled? When will that trumpet sound? And where are we on the end times timeline?
Luke 21:1-24. When is the end of the age? When is the Anti-Christ coming? When is the Lord’s return? In the “Olivette Discourse” Jesus answers several questions relating to the destruction of Jerusalem (AD 70) and also makes further predictions relating to the Anti-Christ and the end of the age. What is the abomination of […]
Luke 12:35-59. What does it mean to be ready for the Lord’s return? How can I ensure that I am spiritually awake and not sleeping? Are there varying degrees of rewards and judgment? Oh may we be ready, awake, serving and watching for the Lord’s return!
John 14:1-12. Jesus prepares His disciples for the fact that he will be leaving them, speaking of His imminant departure. However, he directs their attention to His return and the resting place of their faith in Him.
John 12:12-16. As Jesus rides in Jerusalem, fulfilling prophecy as Israel’s King, He knows that the nation has rejected them and, according to Luke 19:28-44, weeps over Jerusalem and makes a shocking prophecy regarding his second coming.
Job 14:7-9. Israel’s Hope (Tikvah) has always rested on the faithful promises of God. In the same way, as believers we also have a living hope that rests in his promises and also looks towards the return of our Lord.