When the Ark of God’s Presence is Removed

1 Sam 4:1-22. It was clearly time for Israel to seek the Lord to be right with Him once more, but the elders of Israel rather decided to put their trust in the Ark, like a religious good luck charm. Because of their misplaced trust and presumption, they suffered great defeat once again. Why might […]

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Teach Us To Pray

Luke 11:1-13. “The Lord’s Prayer” serves as a model prayer, not to just be recited as some religious formula, but to provide key principles for our own prayer-lives as we learn how to pray. The tenants and handrails for prayer our found in this powerful example of prayer.  

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Christ Set You Free to be Free

Gal 5:1. We are told that we have been made free, but we must now ensure that we live free and remain free. We must be careful not to take on the false burden and yoke of the law, according to the flesh, but be yoked up with Jesus, learning of him and resting in […]

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When The Spirit of Truth Has Come

John 16:1-14. How can Christians find help, comfort, and guidance in troubles and persecution? Jesus encourages the 11 disciples that although they shall all be persecuted, hated and even killed, the Holy Spirit of truth shall be with them and He will guide, strengthen and help them when that time comes.

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