The Day of The Lord

1 Thes 5:1-11. After explaining the “catching away” (or rapture) of the church (1 Thes 4:13-18), Paul goes on to speak about the “Day of The Lord” which will follow. This will be a series of events at the end of the age, when Judgment is poured out on the unbelieving world. But how do […]

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The Dead in Christ Shall Rise

1 Thes 4:13-18. The Thessalonians were waiting expectantly for the Son’s return (1:10). They knew the church would be removed before the day of wrath, but had a question about those Christian’s who had passed on before them? Had they missed the resurrection? What would happen to their bodies? Were they now with the Lord? […]

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Waiting for The Son from Heaven

1 Thes 1:10. How sad it is that teaching on the 2nd coming and End times seems so rare in churches today! The scriptures speak so much about it. In this study, we consider the 5 portions at the end of each chap in 1 Thes that look to His return. To be actively waiting, […]

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The prophet Daniel lays out an all-important timeline of seven years that marks the end of the age. During this period there are 3 specific revealings (Apokalupsis) that will take place. The first will be when a final Gentile ruler unifies a world government and then is revealed to be The Anti-Christ. Secondly, at the […]

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The Second Coming

Revelation 1:7-8 (Slideshow Download Available) The return of our Lord is a crucial focal point of the scriptures and an important study for each Christian to understand. What great hope and longing rests in the believers heart, awaiting the rapture and the inevitable second advent. The Spirt and the Bride say come.

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