The Day of The Lord as a Thief in The Night

Matt 24. The ‘Day of the Lord’ is one of the major themes of Scripture. We look at what Scripture means by the Day of the Lord and what it will bring for believers and unbelievers. As well as looking at what Jesus taught, we also examine the teaching of Paul to the Thessalonian church […]

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Signs to be Fulfilled Before Christ Returns

Matt 24. There are signs that must be fulfilled before the second coming of Jesus. Have any being fulfilled already? Which ones are still to come? Using  the teaching of Jesus in Matthew 24 and other Scriptures, we seek to answer these key questions.

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Christ in The Feast of Trumpets

The Jewish feasts are prophetic in nature and look to the person and the work of Christ. So, how is The Feast of Trumpets (Rosh Hashanah or Yom Teruah) fulfilled? When will that trumpet sound? And where are we on the end times timeline? 

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The Coming Kingdom

Luke 17:20-37. When will the Kingdom of God come? Or is it already here? What did Jesus mean when he said “the kingdom of God is in your midst” or “as it was in the days of Noah” or “one will be taken and the other left”? May God give us understanding as we tackle […]

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Ready & Watching for The Lord’s Return

Luke 12:35-59. What does it mean to be ready for the Lord’s return? How can I ensure that I am spiritually awake and not sleeping? Are there varying degrees of rewards and judgment? Oh may we be ready, awake, serving and watching for the Lord’s return! 

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Jesus in The Feast of Trumpets (Yom Teruah)

1 Corinthians 15:51. As students of the Bible, we discover that the annual Jewish feasts were prophetic in nature. The spring feasts were fulfilled at his first coming, and the autumn feasts yet to be fulfilled at his return. The Feast of Trumpets will be fulfilled at the resurrection & translation of the saints. Now […]

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Noah’s Flood, Mercy & Judgement

Genesis 5-9. The genealogy of Genesis 5 gives remarkable insight into both God’s mercy and the timing of the impending cataclysmic flood which was global and not merely a local flood. We see in the account of the flood and the Lord’s rescue of the family of the righteous Noah, so many parallels to the […]

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End Times Seminar – Session 2

Nebuchadnezzar’s dream and the 4 visions of Daniel lay down a prophetic timeline, sweeping across world empires to the final rule of the Anti-Christ. Oh how are hearts are stirred to see that God is working out His program and redemptive purposes.

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End Times Seminar – Session 1

Dan 7-9. The visions of Daniel lay down a prophetic foundation for the book of Revelation, spanning the ages, through world empires to the final, last Gentile Empire of the Anti-Christ. Oh how are hearts are stirred to see that God is working out His plan of redemption! 

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The Feast of Trumpets

Leviticus 23, 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18, 1 Corinthians 15:51-52. Does the Jewish feast of Trumpets have a future prophetic fulfilment? If so, what does it foreshadow? And when that future trumpet will sound, what will it mean for you?

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