The Birth of Christ

Luke 2:1-7. As Christians, our hearts fill with wonder as we consider the birth of our Saviour. There was no room in the Inn, but he found His place at the manger scene. Likewise, the gospel does not ask if we are prepared, clean or ready, but simply asks “is there room?”. 

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The Magi Who Came to Worship

Matt 2:1-12. These Wise Men from the East seem to be shrouded with mystery, but the Old Testament gives us some incredible insights to who they were and why they came. We find that the prophets of old, including Daniel, paved their way to the promised messiah King who had been born according to the […]

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Our Heart Response to God’s Word

2 Chron 34:27. How King Josiah responded to The Word and how his son later responded are shocking contrasts and lessons for us as believers. How important it is to humble ourselves before God. A broken spirit and contrite heart He will not despise! 

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Oh Little Town of Bethlehem

Luke 2:1-7. The simple manger scene maybe shrouded with a certain mystery for the unenlightened, but for true Christians, the secret of the gospel is clear to us all. Now, the age old Christmas carols are filled with richest meaning and value, as we thank and worship The King, The Saviour, The Lord! 

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2 Chronicles Part 1 (Survey Class)

Sadly a neglected book of the Bible, 2 ChronIcles is filled with deep spiritual lessons and instructive messages found in the history of Judah’s Kings. We discover that the key to success for a King was how he responded to the Word and the prophets, in the same way we learn how crucial it is […]

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1 Kings Part 3 (Survey Class)

1 Kings 14-22 (Slideshow Download Available) These chapters trace the history of Solomon during the United Kingdom up to where the Kingdom divides with his Son Rehoboam and Jeroboam in the North. We may well give these chapters the somber title of “How to lose a Kingdom”

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