Luke 19:28-41. What was the significance of the ‘triumphal entry’? This extraordinary event was full of prophetic fulfilment, such as Jesus riding the colt, the foal of a donkey. Yet, the huge crowd following Jesus at this event had seriously misunderstood Jesus’ mission and the people of Jerusalem had not recognised ‘the day of their […]

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The Anointing Oil of The Holy Spirit

1 Kings 1:39-40. As practised at our queens coronation, the “anointing of oil” is modelled on the anointing of Solomon and other Monarchs. When Jesus began his public ministry, he was not anointed with oil, which was the shadow, but with The Holy Spirit Himself. Likewise the horn of oil from heaven was poured out […]

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Jonah, The Reluctant Prophet

Jonah 1-4. This insightful overview of The Book of Jonah explores important principles we can learn from these chapters, including the divine providence, the heart of God, the nature of repentance, and the ways of man. There are certainly key lessons we can learn and apply to our worldview and daily living from this great […]

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