
Our Heart Response to God’s Word

2 Chron 34:27. How King Josiah responded to The Word and how his son later responded are shocking contrasts and lessons for us as believers. How important it is to humble ourselves before God. A broken spirit and contrite heart He will not despise! 

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Face to Face with Grace

Luke15.1-32. The most powerful moment in a Christian’s life is when they come face to face with grace in the nakedness of their sin. We may struggle to truly believe that God loves us fully and has forgiven us completely, but when God demonstrates His grace to us in that moment of our greatest unworthiness, […]

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Humility & Honour

Luke 14:1-24. Humility is something beautiful and pride can be so ugly in the lives of God’s people. The humble man will find grace, but the proud man will be resisted. Jesus exposes the Pharisees for their love of honour, seeking the praise and recognition of men. While we are all subject to the natural […]

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Blessed are Those Who Hear

Luke 11:14-54. At the climax of His rejection by the Jewish leaders, Jesus exposes the hypocrisy and darkness of the Pharisees with several “Woes” against them. They were so close to the truth, but “blessed are those who hear the Word and keep it”. 

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God Reduces Our Army

Judges 6-7. God wants to bring us to a place of blessing, fruitfulness and victory, but the journey is often one that we would not choose. It sometimes involves a deep, even painful, work in our lives and hearts. The work of God involves God producing or revealing our weakness and need for Him, “reducing […]

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The King’s Heart before The Word of God

2 Chronicle 34 & Jeremiah 36. How each Judean King responded to the Prophets determined so much. If they were proud and rejected God’s Word, they would forfeit blessing, protection & prosperity. If they humbled themselves and were correctable they would find such grace. This directly speaks to us as we sit under the Word […]

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A Testimony of Intergrity

Nehemiah 5:14-21. In contrast to the nobles in Jerusalem, and also governors of the past, Nehemiah could say that he had operated in integrity towards God and towards God’s People. What valuable lessons and principles we discover in this passage. If we honour God, He will honour us.

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The Handwriting is on The Wall

Dan 5:1-31. Daniel 5 is in the middle of a trilogy of 3 Kings, Nebuchadnezzar (4), Belshazzar (5) and Darius. Each one serves as an example, a message, a warning for all. How do we respond to God when he speaks into our lives? Do we exalt ourself against him, or trust Him and humble […]

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The Fall of Babylon

Dan 5:1-30. The fall of the mighty city of Babylon, heart of the Babylonian Empire, was rapid, unexpected and represented a stunningly accurate fulfilment of Biblical prophecy.  The sudden curtailment of Belshazzar’s drunken feast and the insight of God’s prophet Daniel, can teach us much, both individually and as a nation.

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1 Kings Part 2 (Survey Class)

1 Kings 11-14 (Slideshow Download Available) These chapters cover the sad story of Solomon’s downfall and how the Kingdom is divided between his son Rehoboam in The South and Jeroboam in The North. The pride of Rehoboam and his harsh dealings with the people serves as a stark warning to any leader, or believer.

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