Rebuilding Begins with Prayer

Neh 1:4-11. As Nehemiah set his heart and mind to Jerusalem, with a desire to see the wall rebuilt, he started with prayer. As we consider God’s work of rebuilding in our own lives, our church, our community, and our land, let us be moved to pray to prepare the way.

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A Time to Rebuild

Introducing our Series from The Book of Nehemiah, “A Time to Rebuild”, we explore the need in post-exilic Jerusalem to be rebuilt and how that pictures the need we have as believers to be rebuilt, revived, and renewed again and again. Many of us have time and areas in our lives where the walls and […]

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Courage in Time of Crisis

1 Sam 30:1-19. What do we do in a time of crisis? With so much uncertainty, potential loss and troubles all around us, what should our response be as Christians? When David and his men found themselves in a major crisis they were crushed, distressed and weeping, but what David did next changed everything as […]

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Grace that is Added

2 Cor 12:7-10. Just like Paul, we may often pray that our trouble or suffering would be taken away. We think that would be best for us. But God’s answer to Paul was not to take something away, but to add something. He told Paul that added grace was sufficient for him. Paul learned to […]

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Faith in The Lion’s Den

Daniel 6:1-28. Daniel stayed true to his convictions & faith from his youth right to the end. He walked faithfully with his God. His life, along with his deliverance from the Lion’s Den, is a powerful testament to the fact that God honours those who honour Him. Daniel was delivered because, once again, he trusted […]

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The Criteria for Answered Prayer

John 14:12-15. Does God answer every prayer? If not, why not? With many Christians frustrated with unanswered prayers “in Jesus name”, it is so important to understand the criteria for answered prayer. In this Sermon we tackle the difficult question of unanswered prayer and how we can pray according to God’s will.

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The Altar of Incense & Prayer

Ex 30:1-10 (Slideshow Download Available) Continuing our series on The Tabernacle we come to the The Altar of Incense. This sacred piece of furniture, facing the mercy seat, beautifully speaks of our prayer life and open access to God’s throne room of grace.

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Trading Anxiety for Peace

Phillipians 4:6-9. Paul instructs the Philippians to not live in anxiety, but rather to take all things to God in prayer. As we learn the powerful secret of prayer, casting our cares upon him, we grow in our experience of God’s peace governing our hearts in the details and challenges of life. (Other Verses Matthew […]

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My Words and My Meditation

Psalm 19:14 In the refelctive Psalm, we see God address the principles of the words we speak and also the deep meditations or thoughts of the heart. The psalmist desires for them to be acceptable and pleasing to God. This is a wonderful prayer and principal for us all today.

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