Jesus Before Pilate

Luke 23:1-25. In the final hours before the cross, we see our Lord standing judged before Pilate and his accusers. He was the lamb, innocent and silent to the slaughter. No man took his life from him, but He freely laid it down for us all. 

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Crucified For Us

John 19:16-30. When Christ faced his final hour, it was with full awareness of what was ahead of him. He predicted his betrayal, the scourging and the crucifixion in detail. And yet, he went through the suffering and humiliation so he could cry out “It is finished” and to make a new and living way […]

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Christ before Pilate (Part 2)

John 9:1-16. In these astounding verses, we see the Lord standing on trial before The Roman Governor, whose hand is being forced to deliver Christ to the Cross. What was going through the mind of Pilate as he asks Christ 7 questions during this incredible interrogation? Why were the Jewish leaders so set to see […]

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Christ Before Pilate (Part 1)

John 18:28-40. After appearing before Annas, Caiaphas and The Sanhedrin, it is clear that the jewish leaders want christ to be put to death once and for all. The death sentence not being in their power, they take jesus to the Roman govenor to see that sentence carried out. In this amazing passage of scripture […]

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