Authority to Serve

Luke 22:23-30. During the last supper, Jesus prepared his disciples for his departure and for their appointment as leaders in the church. He demonstrates what it means to be a servant-leader in the church, not lording it over people, but being a servant of all. 

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Appointing Elders (Induction Service)

Tit 1:5, Acts 20:28 & Various Scriptures. In the New testament we see that leaders are to be appointed to lead churches. These leadera are called Elders, Overseers & Pastors, different titles for the same office. But how many should there be? Is there a chief elder? What is their purpose? What qualifications might they […]

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Principles of Servant Leadership

Mark 10:42-45. The use of authority, given to a church leader is for the purpose of serving, encouraging, building. Sadly it is often used to manipulate, dominate, and hurt people. How far removed this is from the Biblical model of a servant-leader! Here we explore some principles regarding a Biblically-based model for eldership and church […]

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Bring the Book

Nehemiah 8:1-18 As the People Gathered at the gate to hear the Word, Ezra brings the book and begins to speak with amazing results. This shows us the value, need and power of The Word of God in our lives today. (Other Key Verses Acts 8:28-31)

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