Ministering to One Another

John 13:35, Galatians 6:2, James 5:16. The “one another” principle runs all the way through the New Testament. For example, we are told to “love one another” – but what does that love actually look like? How is love expressed one to another? This sermon gives insights and application to this and various “one another” […]

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Lives Changed by The Gospel

1 Thes 1:5-9. The Gospel came to the Thessalonians “in word, in power, in the Holy Spirit, and in much assurance”. Their lives were changed and the fruit was there for everyone to see. We also pray for the Word to continue to powerfully change lives in our church and community. 

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Strengthening our Hands for this Good Work

Neh 2:11-20. Nehemiah shares with his fellow Jews what God had put in his heart and how God’s hand was with them. It was then that they strengthened their hands for the work. May we also, sensing God’s purpose and pleasure, prepare our hearts for the work in our local churches, communities, and beyond.

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Bearing One Another’s Burdens

Gal 6:1-5. Love is not dormant or inactive, but like the Samaritan of Luke 10, it comes right where a hurting brother may lie, with gentleness and compassion, seeks to restore him. This is an example of How God’s love is made evident in our ministry one to another.

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To Live is Christ

Phil 1:19-28. While on one hand Paul considers the immeasurable blessing of going on to heaven, he also recognizes the privilege and need to remain here on earth with a ministry to people. He concludes that to live is Christ, holding the desire that Christ be magnified in his life and also in his death. […]

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