Luke 2:1-7. A Christmas day Sermon from Luke, considering the birth of Christ. There was no room at the Inn, but may there be room in our hearts for The Saviour.
Luke 2:1-7. A Christmas day Sermon from Luke, considering the birth of Christ. There was no room at the Inn, but may there be room in our hearts for The Saviour.
Luke 19:29-44. Zechariah the prophet had predicted 500 years before that one day the messiah King would ride into Jerusalem on a donkey. On that Sunday of Passion Week, the Jerusalem crowds waved palms and gathered around Jesus as He entered the city. But a few days later we see Jesus. not on a throne, […]
Luke 1: & 2:1-7. The Prophets of Old had spoken. The silent years between testaments had now rolled on for 400 years. No Prophets, no miracles, no angels, ..just silence. The last prophet, Malachi, had left the prediction of a forerunner, a voice crying in the wilderness, preparing the way, and the Lord would come. […]
Acts 22:1-30. Now in Jerusalem, Paul is accused and dragged out of the temple by the Jews. The Roman Commander comes to his rescue and allows Paul, from of the top of the temple stairs, to addess the angry crowd in Hebrew. This chapter covers Paul’s masterful and powerful defense of the gopel and his […]
John 12:12-16. As Jesus rides in Jerusalem, fulfilling prophecy as Israel’s King, He knows that the nation has rejected them and, according to Luke 19:28-44, weeps over Jerusalem and makes a shocking prophecy regarding his second coming.
John 1:19-40. John the Baptist is the first of John’s selected 7 witnesses throughout his gospel, all who testify that Jesus is The Messiah, the son of God. As the forerunner for The Messiah, John is sent to prepare the way.