Blessed are the Eyes that See

Luke 10:1-24. What should make us rejoice as a Christian? How can a person’s eyes and ears be blessed? How can someone’s name be written in heaven? are there consequences for rejecting Jesus? What difference does it make to believe? 

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Who Do You Say That I Am?

Luke 9:17-36. During Jesus’ public ministry people had to make conclusions about the identity of Jesus. Many offered suggestions on who He might be, but Jesus asked his disciples what they believed and who they thought he was. While the Jewish leaders had hardened their hearts in unbelief, the disciples had come to believe that […]

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The Feeding of The 5000

Luke 9:1-17. Sandwiched between Herod’s question of “Who is this?” and Jesus’ question “Who Do You Say I am?” Is the astounding miracle of multiplying the loaves and fish. Each one must consider this miracle, among many, and then answer this all-important question! 

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Don’t Stumble Over Jesus, But Believe

Luke 7:18-35. John the Baptist began to wonder if Jesus was the one or if they should look for another. Jesus warned John not to stumble in his faith, but to continue and trust. When we might not understand God’s timing or ways, may we also not stumble, but rest in faith. 

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Repentance & Forgiveness

Luke 3:1-23. After 400 years without any prophetic voice, God finally speaks through John the Baptist. And what is his first word to men? “repent”! Ah, forgiveness awaits, but repentance is the key step. 

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Oh Little Town of Bethlehem

Luke 2:1-7. The simple manger scene maybe shrouded with a certain mystery for the unenlightened, but for true Christians, the secret of the gospel is clear to us all. Now, the age old Christmas carols are filled with richest meaning and value, as we thank and worship The King, The Saviour, The Lord! 

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Four Portraits of Jesus in the Gospels

Luke 1:1-4. Ever wondered why we have 4 gospels and not just one? With a closer look at each gospel, we can see that each one has a different purpose and focuses on Jesus with a different emphasis. The King, The Servant, The Man, The Lord!

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The Anointing Oil of The Holy Spirit

1 Kings 1:39-40. As practised at our queens coronation, the “anointing of oil” is modelled on the anointing of Solomon and other Monarchs. When Jesus began his public ministry, he was not anointed with oil, which was the shadow, but with The Holy Spirit Himself. Likewise the horn of oil from heaven was poured out […]

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A Palm Sunday Prophecy

Dan 9:24-27. The road before Jesus was paved with prophecy and He fulfilled each one so specifically. Even the day he rode into Jerusalem was according to prophecy and a very specific timetable. The prophet Daniel laid out a remarkable prediction that gives us the actual day the Messiah would ride into the city and […]

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