Luke 10:1-24. What should make us rejoice as a Christian? How can a person’s eyes and ears be blessed? How can someone’s name be written in heaven? are there consequences for rejecting Jesus? What difference does it make to believe?
Luke 10:1-24. What should make us rejoice as a Christian? How can a person’s eyes and ears be blessed? How can someone’s name be written in heaven? are there consequences for rejecting Jesus? What difference does it make to believe?
Eph 2:11. Just like Israel of old, we are commanded to always remember all that God has done. How refreshing and heart-stirring it is to look back & consider that we were dead in our sins, without Christ, without hope, and without God and yet now we are now found in Christ, complete, saved, and […]
Is 40:27-31. In troubled times such as these, we may sometimes wonder what God is doing and even ask “where are you, Lord?”. David certainly asked this throughout the psalms and Israel would ask this through their difficult history. But when our emotions or experience may not reflect the presence or faithful hand of God […]
Ecc 1:1-14. What is the meaning of life? What is man’s purpose? What can really quench that inner thirst? These questions lead us through the book of Ecclesiastes, as Solomon poses these deep considerations for every man. Though man may search in many different ways and places, he finds that the world is simply not […]
Luke 19:1-10. In this timeless, classic Bible story we discover such wonderful principles of grace as this despised, sinful tax collector has a life-changing encounter with Jesus. This story demostrates, as jesus declared in vs :10 that “The Son of man came to seek and save the lost”
Daniel 2. In this gospel sermon, the back ground story of Nebuchadnzzars’ dream and Daniels subsequent interpretation is used to as an illustartion of the essential quest of lost men and God’s answer in through the glorious gospel.
Acts 16:8-10, 1 Samuel 14:6-8, Nehemiah 2:12-18. In response to Paul’s missionary vision on their 2nd missions trip the team took it that God had called them all to go, to preach the gospel and went to Macedonia. It is a blessing for all of us to be in a vision, behind a visionary, going […]