When the Ark of God’s Presence is Removed

1 Sam 4:1-22. It was clearly time for Israel to seek the Lord to be right with Him once more, but the elders of Israel rather decided to put their trust in the Ark, like a religious good luck charm. Because of their misplaced trust and presumption, they suffered great defeat once again. Why might […]

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Beware The Leaven of The Pharisees

Luke 12:1-12. As Jesus exposes the hypocrisy of the Pharisees, he warns his own disciples to avoid legalism, external forms of religion, and the hypocrisy it produces. May these words search our own hearts also, to stay under grace and under the healthy conviction and guidance of the Holy Spirit. 

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Jesus, Pharisees & the Sabbath

Luke 6:1-19. The Pharisees turned a day of rest into the most burdensome day of the week. May God keep us from becoming like Pharisees with how we think about the Christianity, externals and other people!

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Christ Set You Free to be Free

Gal 5:1. We are told that we have been made free, but we must now ensure that we live free and remain free. We must be careful not to take on the false burden and yoke of the law, according to the flesh, but be yoked up with Jesus, learning of him and resting in […]

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Children of Freedom, Sons of Promise

Gal 4:31-31. Paul uses the historical story of Isaac and Ishmael as an illustration in contrasting the Law verses Promise. I can either live as a slave in bondage to the law or in the freedom of being sons by grace and promise. So, do you live like the son of a slave or the […]

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The Parable of The Good Samaritan Explained

Luke 10:25-37. “The Good Samaritan”, perhaps the most misunderstood parable of all, teaches us that our love is deficient, we cannot keep the law, and we can only be saved by grace. Then, once we have His spirit, we can love as we are supposed to. It’s not that we should be good to be […]

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The Divine Origin of the Gospel

Gal 1:11-24. The false teachers (Judaizers) who were influencing the young churches of Galatia were questioning Paul’s authority and message. Paul clearly shows that He functioned independently as an apostle before he met the others and that his gospel came, not from men, but by the revelation of Jesus Christ.

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Discerning The Gospel of Grace

Gal 1:6-10, Acts 15:1-19. How discerning we need to be in the 21st century with so many false representations of the gospel around us and on the internet. Paul would not tolerate these false teachers and yet many Christians today so carelessly entertain them. Oh but let us stand firm in the gospel of grace […]

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The Gospel to The Galatians

Gal 1:1-2, Act 13:14-43. This introductory class sets the stage for our journey through the wonderful book of Galatians. It is so crucial for every believer to understand the gospel of grace and learn how to apply it to their lives. This book provides the perfect opportunity to learn about grace and all that if […]

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Freedom in Christ

Gal 5:1. So many Christian’s sadly live under the bondage of the law, trying to live up to something rather than resting in someone. The grace gospel brings us victory, power and true freedom, but if we descend into a works program we find ourselves in bondage rather than freedom. Christ came to set us […]

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