Someone is Coming

(Gen 3:15 & others scriptures). The Old Testament leaves us with many unfulfilled prophecies, unexplained sacrifices, and unfulfilled longings. But when we turn to the New Testament, we find that it is Jesus who fulfills the prophecies, explains the sacrifices and satisfies those longings. The Old Testament says “someone is coming” and the Gospels open, […]

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Luke 19:45-20:19. Why did Jesus drive out those buying and selling in the temple and how did he respond to the religious leaders who challenged his authority? How do these events relate to us today? What does the parable of the wicked vinedressers teach us concerning the nation of Israel and and how does it […]

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Luke 19:28-41. What was the significance of the ‘triumphal entry’? This extraordinary event was full of prophetic fulfilment, such as Jesus riding the colt, the foal of a donkey. Yet, the huge crowd following Jesus at this event had seriously misunderstood Jesus’ mission and the people of Jerusalem had not recognised ‘the day of their […]

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The Coming Kingdom

Luke 17:20-37. When will the Kingdom of God come? Or is it already here? What did Jesus mean when he said “the kingdom of God is in your midst” or “as it was in the days of Noah” or “one will be taken and the other left”? May God give us understanding as we tackle […]

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Behold Your King (Palm Sunday)

Zech 9:9. The “Triumphal Entry” of Jesus into Jerusalem, although accompanied with celebrations from his disciples, stood in the shadow of the cross. Nevertheless, being hailed as King was the fitting entrance and a fulfilment of prophecy. The Jewish Leaders told him to rebuke His disciples, but He did not, for Messiah-King was finally here! […]

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Emmanuel God with Us

Matt 1:18-22. At birth He was wrapped in linen and laid in a manger and at his death He was wrapped in linen and laid in the tomb. As Christians we understand how the manger and the cross are connected, for He became flesh and dwelt among us, partaking of flesh and blood, so he […]

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Oh Little Town of Bethlehem

Luke 2:1-7. The simple manger scene maybe shrouded with a certain mystery for the unenlightened, but for true Christians, the secret of the gospel is clear to us all. Now, the age old Christmas carols are filled with richest meaning and value, as we thank and worship The King, The Saviour, The Lord! 

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Four Portraits of Jesus in the Gospels

Luke 1:1-4. Ever wondered why we have 4 gospels and not just one? With a closer look at each gospel, we can see that each one has a different purpose and focuses on Jesus with a different emphasis. The King, The Servant, The Man, The Lord!

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A Palm Sunday Prophecy

Dan 9:24-27. The road before Jesus was paved with prophecy and He fulfilled each one so specifically. Even the day he rode into Jerusalem was according to prophecy and a very specific timetable. The prophet Daniel laid out a remarkable prediction that gives us the actual day the Messiah would ride into the city and […]

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