The Day of The Lord as a Thief in The Night

Matt 24. The ‘Day of the Lord’ is one of the major themes of Scripture. We look at what Scripture means by the Day of the Lord and what it will bring for believers and unbelievers. As well as looking at what Jesus taught, we also examine the teaching of Paul to the Thessalonian church […]

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The Call of Samuel

1 Samuel 3:1-21. How does God speak to us today? Can we also mistaken God’s voice for something else? What can we learn from the call of Samuel? The Lord calls and speaks directly to Samuel for the first time giving him his first prophecy. From then on none of Samuel’s words fell to the […]

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The Sons of Eli

1 Sam 2:12-36. Eli allowed the sinful practices of his sons to continue because of sentimentality. They became proud, arrogant priests who corrupted the priesthood and made Israel transgress against the Lord. Therefore, God is seen to bring down the house of Eli, while also raising up young Samuel who “ministered before the Lord”. God […]

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Beware The Leaven of The Pharisees

Luke 12:1-12. As Jesus exposes the hypocrisy of the Pharisees, he warns his own disciples to avoid legalism, external forms of religion, and the hypocrisy it produces. May these words search our own hearts also, to stay under grace and under the healthy conviction and guidance of the Holy Spirit. 

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Blessed are the Eyes that See

Luke 10:1-24. What should make us rejoice as a Christian? How can a person’s eyes and ears be blessed? How can someone’s name be written in heaven? are there consequences for rejecting Jesus? What difference does it make to believe? 

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The Day of The Lord

1 Thes 5:1-11. After explaining the “catching away” (or rapture) of the church (1 Thes 4:13-18), Paul goes on to speak about the “Day of The Lord” which will follow. This will be a series of events at the end of the age, when Judgment is poured out on the unbelieving world. But how do […]

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Unveiling False Teachers

Jude 1:5-11. The false teachers of Jude’s day had fallen in the “Way of Cain, the Error of Balaam and the Rebellion of Korah”. Understanding these metaphors helps us discern false teachers and perversions of the gospel.  

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The Fall of Babylon

Dan 5:1-30. The fall of the mighty city of Babylon, heart of the Babylonian Empire, was rapid, unexpected and represented a stunningly accurate fulfilment of Biblical prophecy.  The sudden curtailment of Belshazzar’s drunken feast and the insight of God’s prophet Daniel, can teach us much, both individually and as a nation.

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Christ the Passover Lamb

Luke 22:14-16 (Slideshow Download Available) A Good Friday Easter sermon considering Christ our passover Lamb slain for us. The passover feast and passover lamb were merely shadows of the reality, which was Christ.In this wonderful type we see the work of the cross in such a unique light.

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