Judas & The Last Supper

Luke 22:1-23. The chief priests were plotting, as the powers of darkness made their advance, and Judas became the key player in the betrayal. However, our Lord predicted his the betrayal and his suffering to follow and was clearly in control in preparing the way to the cross. His hour had come to be glorified […]

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Christ’s High Priestly Prayer (Part 2)

John 17:8-17. Jesus prays to the father, requesting that all the promises made to his disciples would be fulfilled. What is so deeply encouraging is to find this prayer is not only for the 11 disciples, but for all of us. In this refreshing study we consider questions such as, What does glory mean? What […]

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Abiding in His Love

John 15:8-27. What does it mean to remain or continue in God’s love? And what can hinder the experience of such love? These questions and others are considered as we further the study of abiding in Him and various aspects of living the Spirit-filled Christian life.

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Judas, John, Peter & The Command to Love

Jon 13:18-38. In this sermon we consider some of the key charatecters in the Upper Room that night, Judas who betrayed, John who was loved & Peter who denied. After Judas slips out into the dark night, Jesus explains that he must soon depart and gives The Great Commandment to Love to his his disciples […]

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