Luke 3:1-23. After 400 years without any prophetic voice, God finally speaks through John the Baptist. And what is his first word to men? “repent”! Ah, forgiveness awaits, but repentance is the key step.
Luke 3:1-23. After 400 years without any prophetic voice, God finally speaks through John the Baptist. And what is his first word to men? “repent”! Ah, forgiveness awaits, but repentance is the key step.
Luke 1:57-80. When the tongue of Zacharias was finally loosed at the birth of John the Baptist, his heart poured out praises to the Lord! His song is filled with insights into the covenants and the faithfulness of the redeemer! May we also sing our praises in light of His faithfulness and goodness.
The last prophetical voice of the OT left us with a promise of a forerunner who would prepare the way for the Messiah (Mal 3:1, 4:5-6). 490 silent years left us waiting, until that silence was broken with an angelic visitation and the promise fulfilled. Luke opens with a flurry of angelic visitations and announcements […]
Luke 1: & 2:1-7. The Prophets of Old had spoken. The silent years between testaments had now rolled on for 400 years. No Prophets, no miracles, no angels, ..just silence. The last prophet, Malachi, had left the prediction of a forerunner, a voice crying in the wilderness, preparing the way, and the Lord would come. […]
Luke 1:56-80. In preparing our hearts for the Christmas season we explore the story of Zachariah, the father of John The baptist. He gives one of the most incredible prophecies in scripture as he recognises that his son will be the forerunner of Christ, the voice of one crying in the wilderness, prepare the way […]