Faith in The Lion’s Den

Daniel 6:1-28. Daniel stayed true to his convictions & faith from his youth right to the end. He walked faithfully with his God. His life, along with his deliverance from the Lion’s Den, is a powerful testament to the fact that God honours those who honour Him. Daniel was delivered because, once again, he trusted […]

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Believe While You Have The Light

John 12:27-50. The Public ministry of Christ, recorded in Chap 1-11, has now come to an end and Jesus makes his final plea to Israel as the curtain closes. As Isaiah predicted, they would not believe, and subsequently could not believe as their hearts were hardened. We see this principle with Israel of Old, Israel […]

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Grafted into the Olive Tree

(We apologise that the Introduction of this sermon was not recorded) Romans 11:17 (Slideshow Download Available) In Rom 11 Paul teaches that the Gentiles partake in the Spiritual blessings of the Abrahamic covenant, pictured in being grafted into the tree and connected to the thr rich root of blessing.

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Persecution in the Early Church

Acts 4:1-36. On the tails of the miracle of the lame man, the sermon and the salvations from chap 3, we now see the first signs of opposition against the Church. As they are brought before the Sanhedrin, we see the courage of Peter and John in their bold stand for the gospel.

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