Hannah’s Prayer & Samuel’s Birth

1 Sam 1:1-20. During the dark days of The Judges, Hannah prayed for a son. God had shut up her whom, to work in her life, to bring her to a place of prayer, brokenness and faith. The answer to her prayer was to be an answer for the nation. Her son was to be […]

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God’s Invisible Hand of Providence

Rom 8:28. God’s name is not mentioned in the Book of Esther, but His hand is clearly seen throughout. As Christians, we believe in God’s hand of providence and redemption and we know He works all things together for good. 

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The Feast of Tabernacles

Lev 23:33-36. We realise how astounding Jesus’ claims to give “living water” and to be the “light of the world” were when we consider the context and practises of the feast. We also see how Sukkot was a foreshadowing of the Kingsom to come!

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The Feast of Trumpets

Leviticus 23, 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18, 1 Corinthians 15:51-52. Does the Jewish feast of Trumpets have a future prophetic fulfilment? If so, what does it foreshadow? And when that future trumpet will sound, what will it mean for you?

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A God of New Beginnings

Deut 4:9-23. On the banks of the Jordan, on the Plains of Moab, a new generation gathered to hear Moses’ last farewell address before crossing over to the Promised Land. Moses had to prepare them for a new beginning, a fresh start, the next chapter. As we embark on a new year, we can find […]

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The Law vs The Promise

Gal 3:15-29. What purpose does the law serve? If the blessing to Abraham is by promise and justification is by faith, then why does the law do? Paul teaches here that the law reveals our sin and need that we would come to Christ by faith. 

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Man’s Demerit & God’s Unmerited Favour

Through the Bible, we see that Man’s demerit over and against God’s unmerited favour. These 2 doctrines help us understand the glorious gospel. Man is a bankrupt debtor with nothing to offer, no righteousness, no merit, no answer, no defense. He is undeserving and unworthy and yet becomes the great benefactor of God’s matchless grace. […]

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Prayer, Warfare & Daniel’s Final Vision

Dan 10:1-21. Daniel’s last and most detailed vision of the latter days relating to Israel is found in Chap’s 10-12. Chap 10 prepares us and sets the stage for the details laid out in Chap 11 & 12. We also gain amazing insights into prayer and spiritual warfare as Daniel’s prayers are both hindered and […]

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The Testimony of Joseph’s Bones

Heb 11:22.Joseph made an incredible request by faith on his death bed. He asked that when God’s people were delivered at the exodus that his bones would be taken and buried in the Promised Land. He truly believed it would all happen as God had said. For the generations ahead, through all the years of […]

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Faith in Things to Come

Heb 11:20. The Patriarchs all died in faith, never actually seeing the fulfillment of the covenant to them and their seed. Nevertheless, they believed until the very end. Isaac, though a man subject to times of unbelief, blessed his sons according to the covenant by faith. How encouraging for us to see that God takes […]

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