The Sons of Eli

1 Sam 2:12-36. Eli allowed the sinful practices of his sons to continue because of sentimentality. They became proud, arrogant priests who corrupted the priesthood and made Israel transgress against the Lord. Therefore, God is seen to bring down the house of Eli, while also raising up young Samuel who “ministered before the Lord”. God […]

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Humility & Honour

Luke 14:1-24. Humility is something beautiful and pride can be so ugly in the lives of God’s people. The humble man will find grace, but the proud man will be resisted. Jesus exposes the Pharisees for their love of honour, seeking the praise and recognition of men. While we are all subject to the natural […]

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A Testimony of Intergrity

Nehemiah 5:14-21. In contrast to the nobles in Jerusalem, and also governors of the past, Nehemiah could say that he had operated in integrity towards God and towards God’s People. What valuable lessons and principles we discover in this passage. If we honour God, He will honour us.

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A Throne for his Mother

Proverbs 1:7-9 On this mother’s day, we see Solomon, with great respect for his mother, called for  throne to be set for her when Bethsheba came into his throne room (1 Kings 2:19). This expression of respect for her is such an honorable quality to be found in our Christian families today.

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