Teach Us To Pray

Luke 11:1-13. “The Lord’s Prayer” serves as a model prayer, not to just be recited as some religious formula, but to provide key principles for our own prayer-lives as we learn how to pray. The tenants and handrails for prayer our found in this powerful example of prayer.  

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Not Settling for a Common Life

Gen 28:12-19. How easy it is to live a natural life and to settle only for the earthly. But we are designed for more than that. We have a heavenly and holy calling. Jacob renamed LUZ to be called BETHEL, calling a common place Holy. We must learn to do the same.

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Abiding in His Love

John 15:8-27. What does it mean to remain or continue in God’s love? And what can hinder the experience of such love? These questions and others are considered as we further the study of abiding in Him and various aspects of living the Spirit-filled Christian life.

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