Grace & Peace to You

Gal 1:1-5. Oh Grace to you today! And the peace that follows it. These words, used in Paul’s opening salutation to the churches in Galatia, capture the essence of the gospel and the Christian’s blessed experience. May we walk in His grace today and sense His prevailing peace! 

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Man’s Demerit & God’s Unmerited Favour

Through the Bible, we see that Man’s demerit over and against God’s unmerited favour. These 2 doctrines help us understand the glorious gospel. Man is a bankrupt debtor with nothing to offer, no righteousness, no merit, no answer, no defense. He is undeserving and unworthy and yet becomes the great benefactor of God’s matchless grace. […]

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To Live is Christ

Phil 1:19-28. While on one hand Paul considers the immeasurable blessing of going on to heaven, he also recognizes the privilege and need to remain here on earth with a ministry to people. He concludes that to live is Christ, holding the desire that Christ be magnified in his life and also in his death. […]

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The Gospel of Grace

Acts 20:24, 1 Cor 2:12, Eph 2:8. The good news regarding Christ and salvation is called the gospel (good news) of grace. It is grace that determines and defines the gospel. Without grace there is no gospel, there is no good news and there is no salvation. So what is grace? How can a person […]

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I Deliver To You The Gospel

1 Cor 15:1-20. What is the essence of the Gospel? Will there be a future, bodily resurrection for the Christian? How can we be sure? In this glorious chapter on the resurrection, Paul addresses the question. He builds the case on the certainty of Christ’s past resurrection and connects it to our future resurrection. He […]

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Paul’s Testifies Before King Agrippa

Acts 26:1-32. Paul the aged now make his defense before King Agrippa and lays out 3 clear points. 1. He was a strict, fervent pharisee 2. He became a persecutor of the way  3. He is now an Apostle of Christ. And how did that happen? He met the living Christ Jesus and his life […]

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Jesus finds Zaccheaus up a Tree

Luke 19:1-10. In this timeless, classic Bible story we discover such wonderful principles of grace as this despised, sinful tax collector has a life-changing encounter with Jesus. This story demostrates, as jesus declared in vs :10 that “The Son of man came to seek and save the lost”

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The Jerusalem Council

Acts 15:1-41. At this crucial point of the gospel going forth to the Gentiles, the all-important question must be answered. What is the gospel? What does a Gentile, or a jew for that matter, really need to do to be saved?

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