Mary’s Song of Praise

Luke 1:39-55. The “Magnificat” records Mary’s response of faith as she magnifies The Lord. In her song there are astounding statements referring to God’s faithfulness, covenants, and promises. Just like Mary, may we also sing of “the great things God had done” for us and magnify Him each day. 

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Gabriel, Mary & The Attitude of a Servant

Luke 1:26-38. As the gospel story unfolds in the book of Luke, Gabriel visits Mary and gives her the incredible news that she will be the virgin mother of the Messiah. Her response is one of faith, humility and servanthood. What lessons can we learn for our own Christian life and calling from the response […]

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The Angel, Zacharias & Great Grace

Luke 1:5-25. Does it ever seem that God is not listening? or not answering prayer? or you don’t quite understand what He is doing in your life? Then have a listen to this sermon. After the 400 “silent years” the silence is finally broken in the opening chapter of Luke with an explosion of miracles, […]

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What Child is This?

Luke 1:5-66. Jesus, the son of Mary, yet clearly declared as the Son of God. The scriptures carefully preserve the doctrine of the Virgin birth, all important for Jesus to be both human and divine, to be sinless and qualify as our saviour and to fulfil the prophecy of Isaiah 7:14. “Veiled in flesh the […]

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The Silence is Broken

Luke 1:5-75. In considering the Christmas gospel story we explore the astounding predictions and announcements of Gabriel concerning the birth of John the Baptist and The Lord Himself. These announcements clearly magnify the fact that Jesus was the one promised to Abraham and David, and referred to by all the prophets. What is it that […]

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Daniel’s Prayer of Confession

Daniel 9:1-15. From being a young exiled teenager, Daniel had now spent most of his life in Babylon. As an old man, he is studying the writings of the prophet Jeremiah and discovers that the captivity was prophesied to end after 70 years. As Daniel is now approaching 70 years in captivity, sensing where he […]

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The Forerunner & The Messiah are Here!

Luke 1: & 2:1-7. The Prophets of Old had spoken. The silent years between testaments had now rolled on for 400 years. No Prophets, no miracles, no angels, ..just silence. The last prophet, Malachi, had left the prediction of a forerunner, a voice crying in the wilderness, preparing the way, and the Lord would come. […]

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The Angel Gabriel Visits Mary

Luke 1:28-55. In this Christmas Sermon we consider Lukes account of Mary being visited by the angel, giving her the news that she would bring forth a child, the messiah for the Jews and Saviour for all.

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