Christ Set You Free to be Free

Gal 5:1. We are told that we have been made free, but we must now ensure that we live free and remain free. We must be careful not to take on the false burden and yoke of the law, according to the flesh, but be yoked up with Jesus, learning of him and resting in […]

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Stand Fast in Your Freedom

Gal 5:1-15. Paul teaches that we have been set free to stay free. We are free to live without the obligation of keeping the law & by the power & love of The Holy Spirit, we are free, not to sin, but to serve. 

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A Privilege to Serve

Luke 15:29. The Elder son, in this famous parable, depicts the attitude of the Pharisees towards the sinners gathered around Jesus (15:1-2). He was on such a works program, bathing in his own self-righteousness, that he could not find grace for himself or for others. His motivation was tainted when it came to serving his […]

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The Willing Servant

Exodus 21:5-6, Rom 1:1, Eph 5:2. Just as the Jewish Slave in the Old Testament freely chose to stay and serve because he loved his master, so Paul referred to himself as the servant (doulos) of Christ.We also are called to serve by love in the freedom of grace.

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