
Humility & Honour

Luke 14:1-24. Humility is something beautiful and pride can be so ugly in the lives of God’s people. The humble man will find grace, but the proud man will be resisted. Jesus exposes the Pharisees for their love of honour, seeking the praise and recognition of men. While we are all subject to the natural […]

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The Love of a Disciple

Luke 6:36-49. Jesus says that the mark of a disciple is God’s Agape love in their lives. This love is an unconditional love that loves the unlovely, and even our enemies! But we are only able to love this way by yielding to His Spirit in us. The fruit of the Spirit is love and […]

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Which Field are You Sowing In?

Gal 6:6-10. Some people wonder why they don’t seem to get the victory and struggle with lust or sin. Why Can’t they seem to enjoy their spiritual life? Often it is because they are sowing in the wrong field. Sow to the flesh and reap corruption, sow to the spirit and reap life! Now is […]

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What a Man Sows He Shall Reap

Gal 6:7-10. Many may wonder why they struggle with getting victory in their spiritual lives. The principle of sowing and reaping offers a clear answer to us all. If you sow the flesh, you reap of the flesh. We are exhorted as believers to sow to the spirit and then we will surely harvest of […]

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