Passing through The Red Sea by Faith

Heb 11:29. Exodus 14:1-31. Sometimes God may allow or even orchestrate circumstances in our lives where we feel trapped with no obvious way out. This is exactly what God did with Israel as they camped by The Red Sea. Trapped on every side, they could only trust God that He might deliver them and deliver […]

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The Certainty of things we cannot see

Heb 11:7-12. The writer of Hebrews describes faith as being certain of the things which are unseen. In effect, faith enables us to see the invisible. Noah was warned of things not yet seen and Abraham Left Ur, not yet having yet seen the land. These men of faith were moved to action through seeing […]

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The Assurance of Things Hoped For

Heb 11:1-6. Faith is beautifully described as the assurance that the things we hope for will come to pass, and certainty that the things we cannot see, truly exist. This is more than some vague belief or wavering idea, but a sure conviction that moves us on. Let us always be a people who live […]

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Living by Faith in Troubled Times

Gen 12:4-10, Gen 13:1-18, Gen 22:1-13, Heb 11:7-18. Abraham was a man of faith and a man who built altars to draw near to his God. An altar was never too far away for Abraham as he lived by faith. Today we are also called to be people of faith and to be people with […]

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Yet I Will Rejoice

Hab 3:17-19. Why does God not seem to hear us? Why does He allow Suffering? Why do some good people suffer and some wicked people prosper? These were some of the questions in the heart of Habakkuk the prophet as he struggled to make sense of it all. Then God answers and brings Habakkuk from […]

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Entering the Promise Land by Faith

Num 13:17-33, Josh 14:6-14. God never promised the Christian a trouble-free life without challenges or trials. Rather, we understand that through those facing those challenges or “giants in the land” we discover such victories and growth in our walk of faith. Just as the Israelites of Old had to face the giants of the land, […]

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Seek Him & You Shall Find Him

Matt 2:1-11. In this short Christmas message, we consider the story of the magi from the east. What a wonderful example of seeking faith they provide for us. They were able to experience the promise that God is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him.

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Assurance In The Storm

Acts 27:1-44. As Paul finally set sail for Rome to face trial before Caesar, he finds himself in a hurricane at sea. Yet Paul the prisoner was able to rest in the promise and assurance of God and be an encouragement to those on board. While we may face many trials and challenges as Christians, […]

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Will You Lay Down Your Life for Me?

John 13:36-38. The searching question Jesus asked Peter is one for all of us. Our faith could be likened to a see-saw, in that it is either in Christ or in ourselves. One end must be up, while the other is It down. Peter was strong in self-reliance and confident in his own strength but […]

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1 Samuel Part 3 (Survey Class)

1 Samuel 23-31 (Slideshow Download Available) These chapters follow the years of David in exile, relentlessly pursued by Saul. These 2 men stand in stark contract in many ways and serve as examples of the spiritual man in David and the carnal man in Saul.

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